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If your child is more quiet than usual when they get home or are nervous to go to school those might be signs of bullying. Keep in contact with the teachers. The teacher should be the first resource for a parent to help their child with bullying. If the teacher isn’t around (usually during recess or lunch or maybe even on the bus) then have the teacher ask the para-educator or other adults that are supervising them. You can also reach out to the principal. It is best to email because often times it is easier to remember what is said. If you don’t get anywhere with the school than go to the school district office. Check the website to see who the Special Education Supervisor is, the Superintendent etc. It would be good to email both of them at the same time on the same email with your questions and concerns to make sure they both receive it.
Keep working with the following people and if the bullying persists, communicate this to the next person or group listed here.
David B. Shurtleff, M.D. is the SBAWS’s medical advisor. He received his M.D. degree from Tuft’s University Medical School and received postgraduate training at Massachusetts General Hospital, Children’s Orthopedic Hospital & Medical Center and the University of Washington Medical School. He’s held numerous faculty positions at the UW Medical School. Currently retired but previously on staff at Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, University Hospital, Harborview Medical Center, and has held numerous other staff positions at various medical institutions. He has received too many honors to mention, maintains 2 board certifications, is licensed in three states, belongs to many professional organizations, has had numerous special national and local responsibilities, been a reviewer for many medical journals, has guest lectured on innumerable occasions and has been published in the world’s most prestigious medical publications. Throughout his career, Dr. Shurtleff has been on the “cutting edge” in his treatment of patients with Spina Bifida
© 2023 The Spina Bifida Advocates of Washington State | A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization | Contact Us | Disclaimers and Policies
8404 83rd Ave SW Lakewood, WA 98498